Katelyn Ables |
Delta Health Alliance |
kables@deltahealthalliance.org |
Annetta Berry |
Georgia Family Connection Partnership |
berrymae1@aol.com |
Rob Bowers |
Partners for Education |
bowersr@berea.edu |
Holly Branscom |
Partners for Education |
branscumho@berea.edu |
Rosa Briceno |
Arlington Public Schools |
rosa.briceno@verizon.net |
John Bringuel, MA |
Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative |
jbringuel@livedrugfree.org |
Shana Brodnax |
3 Birds Coaching and Consulting |
shana@3birdscoaching.com |
Beth Brown |
Partners for Education |
brownbe@berea.edu |
Mary Bruce |
MaryBruce.org |
Mary@MaryBruce.org |
Toni Cooke |
On Common Ground Consulting |
Toni@oncommongroundconsulting.com |
Linda Cooper |
Partners for Education |
cooperl@berea.edu |
Doug Coots |
Partners for Education |
cootsdo@berea.edu |
Tim Cotman |
— |
— |
Joshua Dankoff |
Citizens for Juvenile Justice |
joshuadankoff@cfjj.org |
Sydney Dean |
Delta Health Alliance |
sdean@deltahealthalliance.org |
Michie Duke |
Delta Health Alliance |
mduke@deltahealthalliance.org |
Deitre Epps |
— |
deitre@race4equity.com |
Marcia Erving |
Delta Health Alliance |
merving@deltahealthalliance.org |
Jeanne Fekade-Sellassie |
Funders for Housing and Opportunity |
Jeanne@housingisopportunity.org |
Nick Ferreira |
The Child Center of NY |
nicholasferreira@childcenterny.org |
Christiane Frischmuth |
— |
christiane@gfconsulting.org |
Brooks Ann Gaston |
Delta Health Alliance |
bgaston@deltahealthalliance.org |
Lolita Gladney |
Delta Health Alliance |
lgladney@deltahealthalliance.org |
Dianne Haulcy |
Think Small |
dhaulcy@thinksmall.org |
Martina Jackson Haynes |
Partners for Education |
jacksonma@berea.edu |
Michael Hughes |
Partners for Education |
hughesmic@berea.edu |
Johnene Ison |
Partners for Education |
isonj@berea.edu |
Penny Jordan, EdD |
Partners for Education |
penny_jordan@berea.edu |
Erika King |
University of Southern Maine |
erica.king@maine.edu |
Ritika Sharma Kurup |
Strive Together |
kurup.ritika@gmail.com |
Danyika Leonard |
Northside Achievement Zone |
dleonard@the-naz.org |
Rhonda Lewis |
Delta Health Alliance |
rlewis@deltahealthalliance.org |
Adam Luecking |
Results Leadership Group |
adam@resultsleadership.org |
Hilary Meier |
Delta Health Alliance |
Hmeier@deltahealthalliance.org |
Emily Mirra |
Building Changes |
Emily.Mirra@BuildingChanges.org |
Kelli Moore |
Partners for Education |
Kelli_Moore@berea.edu |
Aparna Nandula |
Delta Health Alliance |
anandula@deltahealthalliance.org |
Nikki Payne |
Delta Health Alliance |
npayne@deltahealthalliance.org |
Becky Phelps |
Partners for Education |
phelpsr@berea.edu |
Melinda Philpot |
Partners for Education |
philpotm@berea.edu |
Allison Poindexter |
Delta Health Alliance |
apoindexter@deltahealthalliance.org |
Celesta Riffe |
Partners for Education |
Celesta_Riffe@berea.edu |
Robert Roark |
Partners for Education |
roarkr@berea.edu |
Rachel Roberts-Lakes |
Partners for Education |
robertslakesr@berea.edu |
Cheryl Robinson |
— |
theurbgard@aol.com |
Phyllis A. Rozansky |
Pathways to Results, LLC |
parozansky@cs.com |
Roshunda Sample |
Delta Health Alliance |
rsample@deltahealthalliance.org |
Mara Sanchez |
University of Southern Maine |
Mara.sanchez@maine.edu |
Sue Sarber, PhD |
Arlington Public Schools, VA |
sue.sarber@apsva.us |
Heather Schill |
Partners for Education |
Heather_Schill@berea.edu |
Patton Stephens |
The OCL Group |
patton@the-oclgroup.com |
Marty Swain |
— |
mswaim111@verizon.net |
Roland Trevino |
— |
— |
Rebecca Tucker |
Partners for Education |
tuckerr@berea.edu |
Melanie Williams |
Delta Health Alliance |
mwilliams@deltahealthalliance.org |
Carolyn Willis |
Delta Health Alliance |
cwillis@deltahealthalliance.org |